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Sleep Well - Live Well

Sleep Testing Services

Sleep Better Montana is committed to providing you with comprehensive and accurate diagnostic services for sleep disorders. By offering advanced sleep testing, including at-home and complete lab sleep tests, we are dedicated to identifying the root cause of your sleep problems, leading to the most effective treatment possible.

Comprehensive Sleep Testing Services

At-Home Sleep Testing

For patients who prefer the comfort and convenience of their own bed, we offer at-home sleep testing services. Our team will provide you with user-friendly testing equipment and thorough instructions for its use. The data collected during your sleep will be reviewed by our board-certified sleep physician to formulate an individualized treatment plan.



No matter your specific needs and circumstances, Sleep Better Montana is equipped to provide precise, efficient sleep testing that will pave the way for effective treatment. Don't hesitate any longer - a good night's sleep is within reach. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Oral Appliance Options
Sleep Testing
Myofunctional Therapy for All Ages
Sleep Apnea Treatment

Request a Consultation

Connect with us today and start your journey
to restful nights and spirited days.

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